HE Dyes

'HE' dyes are Reactive Dyes for cellulosic material and are designed to give high fixation by exhaust dyeing methods when applied at the temperature 75°C- 90°C. 'HE' dyes are suitable for dyeing on cotton and other cellulosic materials. These dyes have significantly higher exhaustion and fixation efficiency which result in appreciable cost reduction, in comparison to conventional reactive dyes.

Some advantages of 'HE' dyes have :-

  1. Excellent compatibility.
  2. Good built up.
  3. Excellent Reproducibility.
  4. Wide Applicability.
  5. Outstanding built up and consistency.
  6. Good over all colorfastness properties.

Key to Abbreviations

  • ND = Non Dischargeable
  • D = Dischargeable
  • G = Good
  • M = Medium
  • F = Fair
  • P = Poor
  • S = Suitable
  • NS = Non Suitable
  • L = Less Suitable
Reactive Dyes Dyeing On Cotton



HE Dyes




Reactive Yellow HE6G Yellow 135 129898-77-7
Reactive Yellow HE4G Yellow 81 -
Reactive Golden Yellow HER Yellow 84A -
Reactive Golden Yellow HE4R Yellow 84 -
Reactive Orange HER Orange 84 -
Reactive Orange HE2R Orange 94 -
Reactive Red HE8B Red 152 -
Reactive Red HE3B Red 120 -
Reactive Red HE7B Red 141 -
Reactive Blue HERD Blue 160A -
Reactive Turq. Blue HA Blue 71 -
Reactive Navy Blue HER Blue 171 -
Reactive Blue HEGN Blue 198 -
Reactive Green HE4BD Green 19A -